- 2021Political Violence At A Glance
Among its many deleterious effects on social well-being, violent conflict—including widespread criminal violence—can undermine economies by…
- 2021ESOC Working Paper Series
Among its many deleterious effects on social well-being, violent conflict can undermine the economies of the countries in which it is ongoing. From a macroeconomic perspective, internal conflict can lead to reduced investment, output, and growth.
- 2020International Crisis Group
Crime rates are climbing across Mexico, as cartels splinter into smaller groups competing ferociously for turf. Just one state, Guerrero, contends…
photo by David Nieto
2020International Crisis Group CommentaryThe “war on drugs” has not smashed Mexican organised crime but broken it into smaller fragments that fight each other for turf. The sheer difficulty of counting the criminal groups underscores the scale of the government’s challenge in protecting the public.
- 2015Monkey Cage, Washington Post
In a recent New York Times opinion piece, “Where Terrorism Research Goes Wrong,” social psychologist Anthony Biglan argues that, given the…
- 2015Journal of Conflict Resolution
In 2006 the Mexican government launched an aggressive campaign to weaken drug- trafficking organizations (DTOs). The security policies differed…
- 2014World Development
We study the governance of public good provision in poor communities in Oaxaca, Mexico. We estimate the effect of usos y costumbres—a form of…